Blasting perforation-the material is irradiated by the continuous laser to form a pit in the center, and then the molten material is quickly removed by the oxygen stream coaxial with the laser beam to form a hole. Generally, the size of the hole is related to the thickness of the plate.
2021.03.30The laser itself is a relatively simple and easy-to-control device. If the beam generated by it is collected into a very thin beam, it can be cut; if it is defocused, it can be welded; if it is defocused, it can be heat treated.
2021.03.30The 22 Global Machines-Tools Tools Trade shows in April 2021.
2021.03.24The 26 Trade Shows in April 2021 about Metal Working Industries!
2021.03.23As the demand for metal cutting continues to grow, new cutting technologies continue to emerge. When it comes to metal processing technologies used today, the most common ones are laser cutting, plasma cutting or waterjet cutting. The choice of cutting technology will greatly affect the overall cost of metal positioning (ie structure) and its quality. So, which metal cutting technique is the best?