Sheet metal processing is a process of forming a metal plate into the desired shape using different manufacturing methods, including cutting, bending, surface treatment, assembly, and many other steps.
2021.01.079 Trade Shows related to Metal Working Industries in January 2021
2021.01.07The processing principle of the laser cutting machine is that the material absorbs the laser heat, melts or vaporizes and is blown away by the high-pressure gas to form a slit. However, the absorption of the laser by different materials or materials under different conditions is completely different.
2020.12.30Lasers are divided into four safety levels. Different levels cause different harm to the human body, and the protection standards for lasers are also different.
2020.12.28Cost-effective and innovative laser cutting, engraving and marking machines have become very common. Mobile phone keyboards, electric toothbrushes, bathroom scrubbers, car gear levers, solar batteries, brand-name cooking utensils, MP3 players... These common daily necessities or parts are all applied to laser technology. It can be said that lasers are everywhere!