For equipment that requires very high cutting precision like metal laser cutting machines, every small factor may influence results. In the long-term daily use, we not only need to repair and maintain the metal laser cutting machine, but also do a good job of dust removal.
2020.11.04The three-dimensional laser cutting machine can work on any surface without manual adjustment of the angle. The laser cutting machine with a dedicated laser head can perform processing required by various processes on three-dimensional processing objects
2020.10.28In the automotive industry, especially in the automotive thermoforming industry, with the continuous application and development of three-dimensional and five-axis laser cutting technology
2020.10.28The design has been considered about the safety measures to guarantee the safety of the operator and the machine. However, some movements like rule-breaking operation and inadequate irregularities, restructuring may cause some personal injury or equipment damage.
2020.10.23The Conzzeta has made an official announcement that in order to enhance flexibility to deploy growth strategy, as part of the growth strategy for its Bystronic business unit, Conzzeta signed an equity transfer agreement to increase the participation in DNE Laser, Shenzhen, China, from 70% to 100%.